Halloween Around the WorldHalloween in the United States is a holiday that has recently started gaining popularity around the world, but no other country...
Car Rental Advice for the Family ExplorerPlanning out a trip to explore your family heritage can be a unique challenge for a number of reasons. When planning to wander off the...
Four Tips for Navigating Travel in a Foreign LanguageI was standing in a station in Tokyo at the tail end of rush hour, a pink ticket in my right hand and a blue ticket in my left hand,...
A Grave Matter: Recycling Burials in Overcrowded CitiesFor the genealogist, professional or otherwise, cemeteries are a vital part of understanding a family lineage or a specific ancestor’s...
Conveyances as Genealogy ResourcesIf you are anything like us, then you are always looking for new resources for genealogy research. We get so excited when we find new...
5 Free Genealogy WebsitesStarting out your genealogy search can be daunting, especially when you look at all of the many paid and unpaid options out there. There are